Thursday 30 July 2015

7 Top WordPress Development Blogs

Wordpress Development India

In the spirit of Giving Back to Community, I wanted to highlight a few of the WordPress development blogs I frequent or have found useful in some fashion. So here’s my list of 7 favorite blogs that talk about development, are ran by developers, or have relevance.

1. Tom McFarlin

Tom blogs really consistently about in-depth WordPress development topics, so if you’re an advanced developer this is a blog to subscribe to. Tom also created and maintains the WordPress Plugin Boilerplate.

2. WP Theme Tutorial

Ran by Curtis McHale, WP Theme Tutorial is another blog for more in-depth development. Lots of great articles and even some screencasts! Curtis also blogs about freelancing @

3. Pippins Plugins

Want to learn to build a WordPress plugin? This is the place to start. For just a few bucks a month Pippin has a TON of content on building plugins at your disposal. There’s some free content too, but its worth the incredibly small price of a membership!

4. Konstantin Kovshenin

Konstantin is a core contributor and also works for Automattic, he has tutorials, tips and even videos of his talks at WordCamps about developing in WordPress.

5. WP Tuts+

Tuts+ has tons of WordPress specific tutorials, articles, tips, and even some videos on theme development. Certain sections of Tuts+ are membership only but well worth it.

6. Smashing Magazine

Smashing has an entire category dedicated to WordPress ranging from tutorials, techniques, beginner/101, and even community related articles.

7. Paulund

Paulund is a site ran by Paul Underwood, where he posts a range of WP tutorials and code snippets from beginner to advanced.

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1 comment:

  1. Now a days Web development, Wordpress development and blogging are related to each other. It's in a way that when you develop something new, you have to make others aware of it.So you need to share it with others and this is where blogging works best. You can share your updates, posts, websites and other useful stuff with the community members.
