Thursday 30 July 2015

7 Top WordPress Development Blogs

Wordpress Development India

In the spirit of Giving Back to Community, I wanted to highlight a few of the WordPress development blogs I frequent or have found useful in some fashion. So here’s my list of 7 favorite blogs that talk about development, are ran by developers, or have relevance.

1. Tom McFarlin

Tom blogs really consistently about in-depth WordPress development topics, so if you’re an advanced developer this is a blog to subscribe to. Tom also created and maintains the WordPress Plugin Boilerplate.

2. WP Theme Tutorial

Ran by Curtis McHale, WP Theme Tutorial is another blog for more in-depth development. Lots of great articles and even some screencasts! Curtis also blogs about freelancing @

3. Pippins Plugins

Want to learn to build a WordPress plugin? This is the place to start. For just a few bucks a month Pippin has a TON of content on building plugins at your disposal. There’s some free content too, but its worth the incredibly small price of a membership!

4. Konstantin Kovshenin

Konstantin is a core contributor and also works for Automattic, he has tutorials, tips and even videos of his talks at WordCamps about developing in WordPress.

5. WP Tuts+

Tuts+ has tons of WordPress specific tutorials, articles, tips, and even some videos on theme development. Certain sections of Tuts+ are membership only but well worth it.

6. Smashing Magazine

Smashing has an entire category dedicated to WordPress ranging from tutorials, techniques, beginner/101, and even community related articles.

7. Paulund

Paulund is a site ran by Paul Underwood, where he posts a range of WP tutorials and code snippets from beginner to advanced.

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